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Firearm safety is a top priority!

Whether you’re a hunter, sports shooter,  a member of the law enforcement community, or you’re using a gun to protect yourself, your loved ones and your belongings; you need to play it safe.

But not only do we need to maintain a high level of safety standards while using a firearm in the field, the same is true for keeping your handgun or rifle in a safe place when you don’t use it. Just think about what could happen if you leave your gun unattended. Kids’s, for example, are magically attracted by them (I know I was…) or worse–imagine some bad dude breaks into your home and finds the gun… That’s why it is so important to keep our weapons in a safe place. And with a safe place, I mean a high-quality gun safe.

That’s what this Blog is all about.

In addition, you'll find some great gift ideas for gun owners.

Enjoy reading up on information about gun safes, product reviews, articles, some videos and everything else I think is worth blogging about as long as it relates to the main topic.

The Editor