American Security TF5517

American Security TF5517 Review

The American Security TF5517 gun safe seems to be an interesting product to safeguard your hunting rifles and handguns. I did some research online and even though I wasn't able to find a lot of customer reviews (I'm talking about “real” reviews here...) the few I could dig up were promising. Let’s take a closer look.

American Security TF5517 - The 30 Minute Fireproof Gun Safe

The first thing that jumps the eye is the 'Mercury Class I' protection rating. What that means is that this gun safe will protect your valuable in the event of a fire for about thirty minutes and up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit.

The door is sealed with 'Palusol', a material that is known to expand significantly - up to eight times to be exact - in extreme temperatures. In addition, the 3/16” steel plated door is outfitted with two sheets of a special material which insulate against fire and heat. This is important in order to keep the interior temperature as low as possible, ideally below 350F. The AMSEC TF5517 can handle that.

Now let's take a look at the body of the American Security TF5517. The material is substantial 12-gauge steel and just like the door insulated to withstand heat and fire.

To keep the content of the American Security TF5517 safe from unauthorized access, it sports a special lock with 3-wheel combination, a dial that is spy-proof and even a hard plate that is resistant against drilling. An electronic lock is available as an option. A shiny chrome handle shaped like an “L” together with a nice bold zinc die-cast chrome logo give the gun safe its good look.

How about the look, you might ask? Well, I believe the bolt work (3-way) featuring five active one-inch chrome plated bolts as well as three deadbolts do a good job to keep burglars and other bad dudes out.

While the exterior of the American Security TF5517 is classic textured black, the inside is covered with “Mocha” fabric - Including firewalls and back covers.

It shows that AMSEC knows how to build practical gun safes - and proof are the four pre-cut holes to anchor the safe - the hardware to mount the safe is included as well. Finally, you'll notice another pre-cut hole, designed for electrical access.

Here are the technical specs for the
American Security TF5517:

  • Dimension (outside) 55 1/4 H x 17 3/4 W x 16
  • Doors: 3 1/4 / 3 16 thickness
  • Body: 12-gauge steel with fire insulation
  • Weight: 286 lbs
  • Capacity: 11 rifles
Bottom line:
While this safe is available in a number of online stores, I noticed (after monitoring this item for some time) that Amazon has the best price available, especially when you take shipping into consideration. Don't forget, the American Security TF5517 Gun Safe weighs almost 300 lbs!
