
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Safe gun storage - more important than ever

Americans purchased more than fourteen million guns in 2009 as reported in the article below by This is a 10% increase from 2008.
Interesting fact: The active armies of the top 21 countries of the world combined purchased fewer firearms than individuals in the USA.
Idaho State Senator - Gun Owners, Not Government, Are Best at Keeping Guns Safe 
Gun Owners, Not Government, Are Best at Keeping Guns Safe. The Obama administration also wants to 'code' ammunition and require gun safes as part of gun ownership. Are they going to require people certify they have gun safes in their home to buy a gun in the future. Read more ...
No matter what the reason is to own a firearm, it's important to keep it safe from unauthorized use while having them at hand quickly in an emergency.
Modern gun safes provide safe storage for your valuable gun or rifle and can be opened in seconds if needed. Here's a selection of gun safes for almost every need.
The following article is a good reminder to take safe gun storage seriously.
Blogs - Mobile police - 7-year-old accidentally shot himself in the head after finding hidden gun (updated) -
'It's always good to have a gun safe and we encourage the use of gun locks,' she said, adding that all guns should be kept out of the reach of children. An adult family member, who was not identified by police, had put the gun up in a place where he thought it was safe, Rains said. 
Another increasingly important consideration to own a gun safe is the ability to safely store other valuables. With the rise of tablet computers and high-end gadgets which often contain valuable user data, safe storage of these 'toys' becomes crucial. Luckily many gun safes offer enough space.
A Fort Knox Solution for Tablet Security?Mobile Marketing Watch So what's the trendiest tactic today when it comes to curbing tablet theft? As it turns out, plenty of security vault owners are jumping the “gun” and making room alongside their firearms ... Read more ...
To summarize, safe gun storage is more important than ever. Modern gun safe technology offers quick access to your weapon in an emergency while keeping you firearm safe from burglars, curious children or other unauthorized access and also offers the option to safely store other valuables if needed.