Today's post about handguns for women goes somewhat off-topic since the main subject matter of "My Gun Safe Blog" are, well, gun safes and accessories.
But there's a reason for it. Like so often I did some research online the other day and doing so I stumbled over some very interesting facts. One of these facts is an increasing number of women interested in handguns. The vast majority of ladies are looking for a self-defense weapon. Others might have simply caught the 'handgun bug' from male gun owners, and got interested in digging deeper, learning how to shoot, handle, store a handgun.
Traditionally, most women in America learn or think that self-defense is only a male domain and not something women should worry about. But they’re wrong!
In his eBook “Handgun Girls,” author and former police Chaplain Donald A. Moss writes about “How Armed Females are Hard Targets for Criminals”. He will show you the world of handguns for women and how to arm, defend and protect yourself.
Moss will also talk about myths in his book, such as “No handgun needed – the police will protect you” or “Handguns are only for men” and others.
Here are the chapters covered in this special book about handguns for women:
But there's a reason for it. Like so often I did some research online the other day and doing so I stumbled over some very interesting facts. One of these facts is an increasing number of women interested in handguns. The vast majority of ladies are looking for a self-defense weapon. Others might have simply caught the 'handgun bug' from male gun owners, and got interested in digging deeper, learning how to shoot, handle, store a handgun.
Traditionally, most women in America learn or think that self-defense is only a male domain and not something women should worry about. But they’re wrong!
In his eBook “Handgun Girls,” author and former police Chaplain Donald A. Moss writes about “How Armed Females are Hard Targets for Criminals”. He will show you the world of handguns for women and how to arm, defend and protect yourself.
Moss will also talk about myths in his book, such as “No handgun needed – the police will protect you” or “Handguns are only for men” and others.
Here are the chapters covered in this special book about handguns for women:
- Introduction
- The American Gun Culture
- The Best Handgun for You
- Maintaining Your Handgun
- Seven Shocking Reasons to Carry a Gun
- How to Conceal Your Handgun
- Get Married to Your Handgun
- Your Personal Protection Plan
- What to Do After a Shooting
- Understanding the Three A's
- Handgun Girls and National Parks
- Handgun Girls and Nervous Norman
- Afterword
- Notes
- About the Author
Donald A. Moss says about his book:
I specifically created "Handgun Girls: How Armed Females are Hard Targets for Criminals" as a dialogue to help you rise above the fear of becoming a victim in today's crime-ridden society. It is more than a simple "how to" book on handguns for women. Indeed, it is a powerful catalyst to help you learn how to set your sights on self-determination, personal responsibility, and armed self-defense if that moment ever comes.
Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll find in the book:
- HANDGUN GIRLS helps you discover WHY women and guns are NOT mutually exclusive concepts. Women and guns have always been together, regardless of what the nitwits say. In fact, I want you to know how valuable women are to the American gun culture and how this works to help reduce crime in America! (Page 9)
- Feeling intimidated by the "men's club" mentality in the gun world? HANDGUN GIRLS helps you discover 3 big truths: You are not alone; you don't have to know everything, and you are protected. Discover the American cultural phenomenon that is home for millions of responsible, law-abiding citizens (men and women) who aren't afraid of the 2nd Amendment. (Secret: The power in us is greater than the most violent criminals.) (Page 11)
- How to pick the BEST handgun for you. HANDGUN GIRLS gives you the 4 BIGGEST CHALLENGES YOU CANNOT IGNORE when you are ready to buy your handgun. (Pages 12-14)
- Why you need a semi-automatic handgun for legal concealed carry/self-defense regardless of what anybody says. HANDGUN GIRLS lays out in simple terms the differences between revolvers and semi-autos, types of handgun actions, safety features, laser sights, and much more! (Pages 15-19)
- Clueless about cleanliness? HANDGUN GIRLS introduces you to my copyrighted gun cleaning process called, "The S.E.A.C.O.W. System." Each letter of the acronym (S.E.A.C.O.W.) stands for an important step in the cleaning process and provides you with a foolproof, easy-to-remember way to safely keep your weapon in tiptop shape. (Remember: A CLEAN HANDGUN IS A RELIABLE HANDGUN WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST). I'm going to show you the 4 main parts of a semi-auto handgun (no matter what brand you prefer). I'll even give you 6 quick tips for cleaning wheel guns (revolvers). (Page 23-30)
- Why you NEED TO LEGALLY CONCEALED CARRY a handgun. HANDGUN GIRLS cuts through the confusion and TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! When I'm done, you will be AFRAID NOT TO CONCEALED CARRY a handgun. Hang on to your hat when I introduce you to the 7 SHOCKING REASONS TO CARRY you cannot live another day without knowing! (Pages 31-34)
- Dial 911 and die? Violent crime happens in seconds while the police are MINUTES AWAY... Did you know the police have no legal duty to protect you? HANDGUN GIRLS reveals this explosive issue in plain and simple language. (Hint: It's not that the police do not care about you - most of them care a great deal.) (Pages 34-35)
- HANDGUN GIRLS introduces you to the 3 MAIN BODY AREAS and concealment holster options for each area. Learn the most comfortable methods of carrying a licensed, concealed handgun. Discover the properly sized gun for your needs and how to legally "hide" it on your person. (Chapter 5)
- Why you need to GET MARRIED to your handgun! HANDGUN GIRLS unmasks the differences between PRACTICE and TRAINING in these terribly important areas: reloading under duress, malfunctions, field stripping, rapid deployment shooting, firing positions, and consistent concealed carry. (Pages 45-56)
- Don't have a personal protection plan? HANDGUN GIRLS reveals that home invasion is a crime of violence and the 6 STEPS OF DEFENSE that you may not live without! I'll even show you the best types of guns for home protection. (Pages 58-61)
- What if you are violently attacked and have to shoot the bad guy? HANDGUN GIRLS goes beyond the topic of handguns for women and tells you what you need to know AFTER A SHOOTING. The last thing you need is to be hauled off to jail for defending your life against a maniac. It can happen and you need to know the hows and the whys! (Pages 63-68)
- Why you must have a working knowledge of "The Three A's" - Accuracy, Ammo, and Attitude. HANDGUN GIRLS is filled with information to help you improve accuracy, correct flinching problems, build arm and hand muscles, pick the right ammo to stop attackers in their tracks, and the attitude you must maintain to keep you from getting killed. (Pages 69-79)
- Should you carry a concealed handgun in National Parks or wilderness areas? Do you enjoy nature walks? Hiking? Outdoor photography and more? HANDGUN GIRLS shows you the BLOOD-CURDLING TRUTH! You will be convinced that your favorite walking stick is simply NO PROTECTION against muggers, rapists, grizzlies, mountain lions, and even feral hogs. What will you do when Park Rangers are miles away and you get cornered by a wild animal or criminal? (Pages 80-86)
- When men turn into "Nervous Norman," their attitudes can sometimes be counterproductive to your safety. HANDGUN GIRLS pulls no punches in support of the female gender and it is a powerful training tool created to help women help themselves. (Don't tell anyone, but BIG, STRONG MEN will benefit too!) Jam-packed with easy-to-read information, there is simply too much to describe here... (Pages 87-92)
Right now this excellent eBook is available for only $19.95 (instead of $39.95 – that’s a $20.00 discount).
If you’re interested in getting your very own copy today, click this link to purchase.